This package is perfect for you if you are serious about taking your idea of a planner and making it in to something awesome and unleashing it upon the world. The problem is that you’re not sure where to start, which style or size of book might be best for you, whether you need to be printing yourself or opting for a ‘print on demand’ model and design and print is definitely not your zone of genius.

You’re busy working on your own business, you really would love to get this done but you value your time and know that having an expert on hand to manage the process and be by your side every step of the creation adventure is the best way to make it happen.

You understand the power of planners (also think journals/diaries) and that they have many levels of value for both you and your clients, including:

Giving massive value to clients
Planners are a fantastic way to help more people create what they want in their lives. Be it more positivity, more money, more time or something else.

Nurturing a relationship with your clients
What better way to create a strong relationship with your client than to be in their pocket, handbag or on their desk every day or week? Every time your client picks up or writes in your book they are creating positive anchors that increase their loyalty to you and your brand.

A powerful lead magnet
Planners are a low cost, high value part of your marketing toolkit. Not only can you make money from them but they also are the perfect lead in to other, higher end, areas of your business including courses, workshops, coaching packages and membership schemes.

This is perfect for you if you’re in it for the long term. You’re not looking for a ‘get rich quick’ scheme designed to grab the cash and run (if that’s you then I’m afraid we won’t be a good fit for each other). You want to create long-lasting clients that will grow with your business and create success for everyone.

You’re ready to take the plunge and you want someone with a track record, who has not only personally created and sold them (and continues to do so) but has also helped others do the same, to be the one to help you make your dream a reality.

If you’re reading this and nodding then I am really excited for you and I would love to discuss your idea in more detail. As I mentioned above, I only work with a small number of clients each year with this service and I choose to work with people who are super excited about their new project, who are ready to take action and who I feel will be a great person to work with – being able to work well together is essential.

How I Work With You

planning-1The package is based on what I know works.

Stage 1 – Planning day. We spend 1 day together (in person or on zoom) doing some serious planning. What starts with a few great ideas becomes a planner concept by the end of the day. We confirm page numbers, the full content is mapped out and sketched designs for the layouts are done. We explore print options and you walk away with the planner ready for stage 2.

Stage 2 – The design process. Working from the initial page sketches and the layout plan, the full planner is designed and edited until complete and ready to go to stage 3.

Stage 3 – Production. Depending whether you go for a printed, digital or print-on-demand planner this is all organised for you from the sample copies through to the finished book in your hands (that’s one of the most exciting bits!).

Other options you can choose to add to your package at any time include extra planner package goodies (including printed items for example for upsells or pre-order offers), promotional photography, support with crowdfunding, marketing assistance and more. We would discuss this during our planning day.

Ready to take action? 

If you’re wanting this  to be the year you unleash your own journal or planner on the world, bear in mind that it will take approx 2-3 months from when we start, so plan around that. I like to keep it simple; the bespoke planner creation package I offer is £3,000 (+vat) and this takes you from idea to finished planner in your hand, with free access to my brain, experience and hand-holding every step of the way. It also includes all the design, an ISBN (if needed) and physical proof copies for you to check over before we commit to final print. Bolt-on a digital version (with clickable tabs, compatible with GoodNotes etc) for an additional £300 (+vat).

If you’d like me to support you in your adventure, please get in touch for a no obligation chat. Whizz me an email now to let me know you’re interested and we’ll book in a call at a time that suits us both to discuss next steps and availability.